
  1. How To Add A Giphy To Slack
  2. Giphy Slack Plugin

Giphy lets you search from the world's largest library of animated GIFs, making it easy to find and share them on the web. This integration will enable the /giphy slash command for your team. Example: typing '/giphy cats' will display a cat GIF in your channel. Giphy lets you search from the world's largest library of animated GIFs, making it easy to find and share them on the web. This integration will enable the /giphy slash command for your team. Example: typing /giphy cats will display a cat GIF in your channel. GIPHY is your top source for the best & newest GIFs & Animated Stickers online. Find everything from funny GIFs, reaction GIFs, unique GIFs and more. GIFs can add some much-needed fun to an otherwise bland workday. For those who use Slack, sending GIFs using the GIPHY app is simple – assuming that the feature has been enabled.

Six years ago Slack added built-in Giphy support. So post-acquisition, Facebook will now have tracking info for all the Slack channels where this has been used. That’s cool.

Update: This seems to have gotten some folks’ attention. Via email, I received the following response to my post from Brian Elliott, VP and general manager at Slack, quoted in entirety:

Giphy Slack

We’re excited for the Giphy team on the news of their acquisition.


Slack users love using Giphy, as well as tools like emojireactions and apps like Donut and Hallway. They all bring teamscloser together, especially when they’re working remotely.Allowing teams to share their personality through GIFs and enablecamaraderie at work adds to the social glue teams are looking forwhen there’s no physical water cooler, and will continue to be animportant part of the Slack experience.

As always, Slack is committed to protecting user and company data.Giphy doesn’t receive any information about users or evencompanies using the Giphy for Slack integration, and only seesSlack usage of the Giphy API in aggregate.

I also heard from a little birdie and trusted source who works at Slack, who told me:

Slack built and still owns the Giphy integration. We call theirAPI, and don’t send them identifying info about channels. (This ispretty much the opposite of how most Slack integrations work, soyour initial assumptions were reasonable.)

Friday, 15 May 2020

Do you want make your Slack channels more exciting and funny? What about a bot that reads your “feelings” and renders them by automatically posting animated funny gifs from Giphy?

Our Gitphy bot does exactly this. Add it to your website, your Slack channel,… to have some fun with your visitors and collaborators. As seen in the image below, you can ask the bot whatever you feel like seeing and our Giphy bot will automatically find a gif in Giphy tagged with that word and post the animated gif in the Slack channel or a chatbot widget in your webpage. Feel free to play with the bot in this same page!.

Building a Giphy chatbot

The bot is built with Xatkit. Right now the bot just takes the first gif returned by the Giphy API but of course, you could easily implement more complex prioritization strategies. The goal of this post is to show you easily you can build a bot like this. And we hope this will push you to start exploring ASAP our open-source chatbot platform!

You can download the full code of the Giphy chatbot. Like all Xatkit bots, it uses our Java Fluent API so you can read and modify the code with any Java editor. Let’s see the core of the bot.


For this bot, we just have one main intent: asking the chatbot to find an image for us

The intent CanYou will be matched any time we write a sentence similar to those listed in the training inputs. The @any keyword will take the concept/action/whatever we want to visualize and store it as part of the request parameter information.

Then, in the main bot state, we will recover this parameter and ask Giphy to return an image tagged with it.

See how we use our API REST platform to simplify the interaction with the Giphy API (though of course, you could use other REST libraries, like Unirest, if you prefer; this is the beauty of using an internal DSL!). In this sample code, the image is printed in the chatbot widget but you could send it to a Slack channel or whatever you want it to show up.

The bot has some other states (for helping the visitor and greeting him), you can see them all in the GitHub repo. But the few lines of code shown in the two gists above are basically all you need to create your own Giphy chatbot.

How To Add A Giphy To Slack

I’m sure you’ll agree that the actual code of the bot is rather simple. Thanks to our predefined Slack, React, Rest and Giphy platform support, all the complexity of calling and interacting with those platforms is on us. You just need to think of interesting ways to combine them.

Giphy Slack Plugin

Enjoy! And if you create any Xatkit bot let us know and we may even feature it here next!