
Event Scripts are scripts which are executed upon specific events. Not all event scripts are executed directly by the engine.

To use an Event Script, create a file of the given name in the mission directory.

init* scripts(on)Player* scriptsother scriptssee also

This community is for scripters or fans of EventScripts for Valve's Source games.EventScripts is the most popular scripting engine for Source, running on 9000 game servers globally with over 850 addons available. EventScripts has one of the most helpful, friendly communities in gaming. Feel free to join! EventScripts - huge script database (searchable) 3rd Party Information for Steam Publishing Description. EventScripts is a free game scripting plugin for the Source engine. Aimed at first-time scripters, EventScripts is one of the most popular Source scripting engines, running on thousands of dedicated game servers worldwide.

  • EventScripts collection. Description: Provides read and write access to all event handling scripts provided for all shapes, documents and Dashboard sections with event handlers. The EventScript object has three properties: Name, Script, and Type, and no methods.
  • Eventscriptsexamples07.zip - 2011-04-03 10:40:13; Build Archives. EventScripts 2.1 Branch.

Available Scripts

FilePresent in


Executed when mission is finished (before debriefing screen). In Arma 3, 'ended' mission event handler has the same functionality.

  • endType: String


Executed when mission is finished (before debriefing screen). In Arma 3, 'ended' mission event handler has the same functionality.

  • endType: String


Executed when mission is started (before briefing screen)


Executed when mission is started (before briefing screen)


Executed when loading a scenario in Eden Editor if the file is present. Useful for executing scenario-specific editor functionality.


Executed when intro, outro win or outro lose is started.


Executed when intro, outro win or outro lose is started.


Executed locally by Arma 2: Multiplayer Framework when a player joins mission (includes both mission start and JIP). Also executed locally on server at mission start.


Executed locally when player joins mission (includes both mission start and JIP). See Initialization Order for details about when exactly the script is executed.

  • player: Object
  • didJIP: Boolean


Executed only on server when a player joins mission (includes both mission start and JIP). See Initialization Order for details about when exactly the script is executed.
This script relies on BIS_fnc_execVM and remoteExec. If CfgRemoteExec's class Functions is set to mode = 0 or 1, the script will never be executed. Therefore, initPlayerServer.sqf should be avoided.

  • playerUnit: Object
  • didJIP: Boolean


Executed only on server when mission is started. See Initialization Order for details about when exactly the script is executed.


Executed on post-init when mission is started. See BIS_fnc_missionFlow.


Executed when a flare is lit after being fired from grenade launcher.

  • colorRGB: Color (RGBA)
  • shooter: Object


Executed when player is killed in singleplayer or in multiplayer mission.

  • oldUnit: Object
  • killer: Object
  • respawnType: Number
  • respawnDelay: Number


Executed when player is killed in singleplayer or in multiplayer mission with 'NONE' respawn type.

  • player: Object
  • killer: Object


Executed locally when player respawns in a multiplayer mission. This event script will also fire at the beginning of a mission if respawnOnStart is 0 or 1, oldUnit will be objNull in this instance. This script will not fire at mission start if respawnOnStart equals -1.

  • newUnit: Object
  • oldUnit: Object
  • respawnType: Number
  • respawnDelay: Number


Executed when player is killed in multiplayer mission with 'INSTANT' or 'BASE' respawn type. It will not work if dtascriptsonPlayerRespawn.sqs does not exist.

  • player: Object
  • killer: Object
  • respawnDelay: Number


Executed when player is killed in multiplayer mission with 'SEAGULL' respawn type, or when the type is 'GROUP' or 'SIDE', but no remaining respawn slots are left. This script will replace the default respawn sequence.

playerRespawnSeagullScript.sqs in Arma 3.
  • player: Object
  • killer: Object
  • seagull: Object


Executed when player is killed in multiplayer mission with 'GROUP' or 'SIDE' respawn type. This script will replace the default respawn sequence.

playerRespawnOtherUnit.sqs in Arma 3.
  • player: Object
  • killer: Object
  • newUnit: Object


Executed when player is respawned in multiplayer mission with 'INSTANT' or 'BASE' respawn type. It will not work if dtascriptsonPlayerResurrect.sqs does not exist.

playerResurrectScript.sqs in Arma 3.
  • player: Object


Executed when pause menu is activated.

To make it work in MP or Arma 3, use in Description.ext
  • pauseMenuDisplay: Display


Executed locally when player is killed in singleplayer or in multiplayer mission with 'NONE' respawn type. Overrides default behavior of mission death screen in single player. Game may become unplayable if not scripted correctly. Avoid use if not experienced with this script.

  • player: Object
  • killer: Object


Executed locally and immediately when player is killed in multiplayer mission with 'BASE' or 'INSTANT' respawn type. Overrides default behavior of multiplayer respawn. Game may become unplayable if not scripted correctly. Avoid use if not experienced with this script.

  • player: Object
  • killer: Object
  • respawnDelay: Number


Executed after a Team Switch is done. Not triggered by selectPlayer.

  • oldUnit: Object
  • newUnit: Object
Additional init scripts can be executed using functions with preInit or postInit attribute.

Default scripts location




Eventscripts Css

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EventScripts is a simple application for triggering AppleScripts or shell scripts whenever certain events occur. Perhaps you would like to execute a script every time the track changes in iTunes, or whenever your Internet connection drops? Maybe you'd like to trigger a script every time the location of your computer changes? Or maybe you'd like to be able to trigger scripts on your Mac from your iPhone, iPad or iPod?

Eventscripts Mac

All these and much more are possible with EventScripts, and its free companion iOS application EventScripts Mobile. EventScripts also passes parameters to the scripts that it executes that provide additional information about the event that triggered execution. Our Web site contains many useful example scripts as well as full details of the events that EventScripts supports, and the parameters it passes for each event.

The events that EventScripts supports include: location changes; internet connectivity changes; application launches and quits, computer shutdown, sleep and wake; screen sleep, wake, and locking; screensaver start and stop; time machine backup completion; desktop picture changes; spaces changes; iTunes track changes; screenshot generation, volume mounting and ejection, and more… Check our Web site for the full list!