
(p-channel device), induced in the semiconductor at the silicon-insulator interface by the voltage applied to the gate electrode. The electrons enter and exit the channel at n+ source and drain contacts in the case of an n-channel MOSFET, and at p+ contacts in the case of a p-channel MOSFET. We would need to dedicate a tutorial on when to use an n-channel and p-channel MOSFET. An excellent use for P-Channel is in a circuit where your load’s voltage is the same as your logic’s voltage levels. For example, if you’re trying to turn on a 5-volt relay with an Arduino.

by Lewis Loflin

The most important characteristics of the JFET are as follows: (1) When a JFET is connected to a supply with the polarity shown in Figure 1 (drain +ve for an n-channel FET, -ve for a p-channel FET), a drain current (I D) flows and can be controlled via a gate-to-source bias voltage V GS. Single P-Channel Rad-Hard MOSFETs Rad-Hard P-Channel MOSFETs rated from -30V to -200V in a wide range of packages. Maybe, audio amplifier is the most important application of P-channel MOSFET. In Figure 11 (a), N-channel MOSFET is high side (HS) and P-channel MOSFET is low side (LS). The audio amplifier output stage is a sort of source follower circuit. As source follower circuit voltage gain is near 1, this circuit is stable.

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This tutorial will explore the use of a P-channel and N-channel MOSFETs as a power switch and general transistor theory. This switch will operate on the positive side of a power supply with a negative common. This is for use with 5-volt micro controllers such as Arduino.

Pictured above is the basic electrical connections for Arduino and most modern micro-controllers. We have a negative common and a 5-volt Vcc. That dictates how we connect any driver transistor to the I/O pins. In addition each Arduino I/O pin can source/sink an absolute maximum of 40mA. (Note: operate at 20mA.)

First note that all MOSFETs are voltage operated devices and don't rely on a base current like a bipolar transistor. In many cases gate drive voltages below 5-volts won't work without a bipolar transistor switching in a higher voltage.

Update Dec. 2019. Many micro-controllers today are using 3.3-volt Vcc. This is also true of Raspberry Pi. I found two MOSFETs that work at 3.3-volts.

The IRFZ44N is an N-channel device rated at 55V and RDS(on) resistance of 0.032 Ohms max. The other is a P-channel device rated at 55V and a RDS(on) of 0.02 Ohms max.

See the following spec sheets:

Referring to Plate 1 whenever the voltage difference between the gate (G) and source (S) exceeds around 5-volts this opens a conductive channel between source (S) and drain (D) allowing current flow from the source back to the power supply. (Here we are using electron flow from negative to positive.)

This is often known as a series pass configuration.

Looking again at Plate 1 with no input to the base of Q1 the collector voltage rises to Vcc and with no difference in potential across Rgs Q6 and Q8 are turned off.

Applying 5-volts to the base resistors of Q8 and Q6 (plate 1) forward biases their base-emitter junctions allowing a small current flow Ib. Depending on the DC gain (hfe) of the individual transistors the base current is multiplied to produce Ic. The relationship is as follows:

Webex meeting download for mac. Ie = Ib + Ic; Ib * hfe = Ic. Zoom install on mac.

The base current Ib is determined by Vin - 0.6 / Rb. The 0.6 volts is the voltage drop across the BE junction. Let's say Q1 and Q7 are 2N2222As that have minimum hfe of 90 and we desire an Ic of 20 mA. Here is how this will work:

Now some issues on switching transistors. We want them operating in their saturation mode where any additional base current will produce no increase in collector current (Ic). When making these calculations a transistor spec sheet gives a range for hfe, assume the lowest value. Next as long as we don't exceed the max base current rating assume extra current. In this case I would use a 2.2K for Rb.

When a bipolar transistor is operating at saturation the emitter-collector voltage equals 0.5V. In the case of MOSFETs Q6 and Q8 we want those operating in saturation mode as well. With a 12-volt difference between gate-source this assures a fast, hard turn on. At saturation MOSFETS such as the IRF630 and IRF9630 have a drain-source resistance of 0.4 and 0.8 ohms respectively.

So Let's find Rgs where we want to drop 11.5 volts:

P Channel Fet

Let's assume a much higher value of say 10K to assure the desired voltage drop. Again we have lots of room to play with to assure saturation of all four transistors. Note that in reality Rgs sets the current level when Q1 and Q7 are in saturation mode.

P Channel Fet

MOSFET Gate-Source Breakdown

P Channel Fet Switch

One final issue is the gate-source breakdown voltage of both MOSFETs or Vgs. For the IRF630 and IRF9630 this is 20 volts. The 24-volts in Fig. A would damage Q8. The 10-volt Zener in series with Q7's collector will keep this within a safe margin.

Plate 4


There are number of advantages to the above circuits. A low source-drain turn on resistance means more power is delivered to the load and less heating of series pass MOSFETs. The ability to operate at 5-volts makes direct connections to a micro-controller a cinch. In addition this can be pulse-width-modulated to control motor speed on a say H-bridge circuit.

The largest use of these circuits is H-bridge motor controls. They are used in conjunction with N-channel MOSFET switches.

Note that Rg (or Rgs) is used to bleed the charges off the MOSFET gates or else they may not turn off.

P Channel Fet As Switch

Have fun.

I hope the series was helpful. Any corrections, suggestions etc. e-mail me at lewis@bvu.net.

P Channel Fet Basics

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